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Monday, August 05, 2013

Section 8 Rental


  1. I don't feel sorry for him. He knew what he was getting into when he went section 8! Most of those people can care less about other peoples property!

  2. Look out Salisbury, coming to our downtown soon, Section 8 housing. Isn't this what Ireton wants to do down there? Wonderful, just wonderful. People who get section 8 housing are apparently nothing but pigs, at least that's what I'd call the one who lived in this beautiful house and tore it up and disregarded whatever contract they had.

  3. This is what happens when you rent out to a-holes, regardless of income level.

  4. Welcome to Salisbury, MD. Home of the section 8 housing market. If any of you have the balls to take a ride to the west side you could see as many of those rat holes as you like. And don't blame anyone but the animals that live there. All you need to clean is one rag and a little water!!!!!

  5. Couldn't make $50 monthly rent, but did have a nicotine addiction that needed feeding and got fed.

  6. That's why I bought a home on 5 acres in the middle of nowhere. I would never become a landlord, especially for section 8 tenants. They have NO buy-in to the situation and will not be held accountable for the damage.

  7. Another free ride for a part of the country that could care less about anything. YES...lets make free ride section 8 housing next to Brew River. We will call it an artist housing project. Maybe they can decorate the guard house that will be needed out front.

  8. Apparently they are going to put up 900 units across from Stephen Decatur High School...should just do WONDERS for the town!

  9. i am out of slumsberry md.

  10. Wait just wait until You see what the mayor is going to do downtown Salisbury, Sit back Joe and WATCH...tick tock.


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