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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rising Seas Could Cause $1 Trillion Damage A Year By 2050

A new study carried out by the economists at the World Bank has examined the risks that coastal cities around the world face due to global warming’s effect on extreme weather events, and rising sea levels.

The study determined the cost of flooding in 136 of the world’s largest coastal cities by matching average annual losses against the city’s gross domestic product (GDP), and predicted that by 2050 the cost could reach $1 trillion a year, if governments don’t start to take the “prophecies of doom” more seriously and prepare strategies to minimise the effects of severe weather and build flood defences.

Experts have always warned that coastal cities around the world are prone to the effects of flooding, as glaciers melt and sea levels continue to rise, but governments and authorities generally ignore the doom and gloom warnings that scientists give them.



  1. one trillion $ ?? a drop in the bucket. Ob' will just borrow from the Chinese..

  2. And I have a bridge over the Chesapeake I'd like to sell you.

  3. LOL! Hey, how much is it going to cost when the sky hits us. It's falling, you know!



    Good Lord.......

  4. America is DOOMED ...Thanks Perez.

  5. The only way to save us is put Al Gore in charge

  6. Big deal; big government will cost us at least 10 times that much.

  7. Water levels have risen for the last 20,000 years or more.
    Al Gore is stupid enough to think he can stop it? Or smart enough to convince some really stupid people to believe him so he can make BANK on it?

  8. I'd like to think this is just fiction but it does make me wonder what the world will be like when my grandchildren reach my age. Doubtful that they'll do any surf fishing on Assateague island.

  9. 10:51 Ding Ding Ding... you win. And it's a majority that's stupid enough to believe him. I remember when people could think for themselves, use their own judgement by gathering facts.

  10. One trillion dollars in 37 years is so cheap compared to Obama's 7 trillion in 4 1/2 years.

  11. That's $1 trillion we won't be able to give to the Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR.

  12. Every one of you will be panicking when stores are sold out of snorkels.


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