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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Rep. Delaney Plans To Push For Minimum Wage Boost

GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) -- Rep. John Delaney is planning to push for a minimum wage increase in Maryland.

Delaney said Monday raising the minimum wage is one of the most direct ways of helping working families succeed while also improving Maryland's economy.

The congressman says 19 states have a higher minimum wage than Maryland, and many of them have a lower cost of living.



  1. No it's not. What it does though is help drive unemployment up. Joe the plumber can afford 5 employees while paying each X per hour. With a wage increased based on nothing of substance, he can afford 4 employees.

  2. Hey, if $10 per hour minimum wage is so good then $20 would be even better. If $20 is better why not just make it $100? Oh hell, make the minimum wage $1,000,000 an hour and everybody will be rich!

  3. Supply and demand is what the economy should be built on. If someone is paid $1 per hour, that is what they are worth. Too many people are being overpaid at minimum wage. If the minimum is raised, all it does is put more people on welfare because employers cannot afford to pay high wages for an inexperienced worker.

  4. But in a kook liberals mind,everybody wins!

  5. It's been a long time since I have seen such stupid comments.
    Your billionaire corporations can well afford to pay a livable wage. Ya'll are too stupid to realize that YOU are already paying MORE to subsidize their lack of wages , because YOU pay for their Welfare, Medicaid, Food stamps, HUD.
    It's called Corporate Welfare.
    Once they are making a livable wage, they fall off the welfare dole and are on their own to make it.
    Each job has its challenges and just because you think it isn't worth paying for does not make it a true statement.
    Some of these minimum wage jobs take much more grit and determination in a day than you pencil pushers do in a week.

  6. Okay, 4:25, if what you say is correct then what's wrong with $100/hr minimum wage?

  7. 4:49, sad to see you think that you are challenging me with your stupidity.

    I believe I said:
    livable wage

    That by definition is "no longer living in poverty"

    Did you even bother to read my comment or are you too busy being a jackazz thinking you are just so much smarter than everyone else and you are gonna show me up with your lame wit and antagonistic comment.

    you are too stupid to be on the internet.

  8. 425-You're the moron. Take the much scorned "oil companies", most of which make roughly .045 per dollar invested. Yes, a 4.5% profit margin is the average in the oil business. You know how that breaks down? Probably not, just looking for another hand out, another undeserved raise, because you b*tch and complain, holding your hand out like a 4 year old.

    A minimum wage job is what it is, an unskilled worker. Learn a marketable skill and earn more, or not. No skin off my back, there will always be poor people not willing to work to get ahead.

  9. Okay moron, if $7.25 is too low and $100 is too high, why is $10 just right?

  10. 5:42 what a joke, much scorned "oil company" that are posting record profits in the billions.
    Educate yourself before you speak, then you won't looks like a colossal idiot.
    Minimum wage went to 7.25 in 2009.
    That is 4 years of inflation, doubled gas prices, increased taxes, and soaring unemployment, etc.
    You are such an arrogant jerk you act like people do not deserve to make a livable wage regardless of their education level.
    And again you are too stupid to realize your soaring taxes are subsidizing their income with welfare. Walmart, Target are prime examples of welfare corporations.

    Joke is current graduating students can't even get a minimum wage job with their worthless degree.
    Typical Smallsbury POS mentality, enjoy your ghetto community.
    Instead of surfin porn and playing games all day, try educating yourself.
    Start with google.

  11. Isn't is funny how lots of people piss and moan about "obscene" profits by oil companies but no one ever complains about the profits of the largest and most profitable company in the world.....Apple Computers. Oh, that's right, Apple is the darling of the liberals.

    And nobody complains about the obscene profits of Oprah, Tom Cruise and other entertainers because those people are liberals.

  12. 4:25 So we give them $10.00 an hour. Guess what, their hours get cut or they're unemployed now. Call it what you want to call it, but people get "minimum wage" because in the work force, they're the lowest denomination on the board.

    And, I know people who make over $70,000 per year, as a household, who receive all of those benefits. Your argument is invalid.

  13. 11:56 you are a liar.
    No one making 70K qualifies for welfare.
    There are monetary limits to qualify.
    They are not married and the one not working is lying to get it.
    Or they have a disabled child that qualifies for Medicaid.

  14. In 2009 when the last increase occurred there was no big chaotic meltdown as predicted. Life went on, and people got paid better.
    Liar liar pants on fire


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