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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Reilly, Jay Z, Lil Wayne, Sharpton And Lemon All Talking About Race

Shawn Carter, better known by his stage name “Jay Z,” has, in recent comments shared his views on the George Zimmerman verdict, even though the rapper is a former drug dealer who’s been shot three times.

Jay Z’s ability to command consideration for his thoughts on crime and race is ludicrious. Rap stars like him glorify the very thug culture that has made people like them rich, but has done nothing for black America.

“I was really angry about it (Zimmerman verdict), that the thing that we all knew that there was still a bit of racism in America, but for it to be so blatant,” Carter says.


  1. The only one that has brains is Bill o'reilly!

    1. Yea oozing out every hole in his head.

  2. Lil Wayne who did a video dancing on the flag and saying the N word over and over is a positive roll model and a voice of the America? Give me a break!

  3. WHO cares what he thinks...Really?


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