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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

PSC Considers Smart Meter Opt Out Fees

BGE and a number of electric utilities in the state want to charge customers if they don't want new advanced Smart Meters.

Today. officials of BGE, Pepco and Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative brought their case to state regulators.

The PSC hasn't even said if customers can opt out of Smart Meters, only delay their installation.



  1. If your going to insist that a physical person come to your house and read your meter, when the technology exists to eliminate that expense, then you pay for it.

  2. so far choptank is not requiring smart meters. we always read our meters and report the reading each month when we pay our bill.

    resist smart meters. they are another way to control and keep watch on you and your families "habits". then down the road they will be able to totally control the electric usage in your home. there's more; so research it for yourself...be forewarned.

  3. The technology that exists is not broken, so don't "fix it". Sure, it saves time, but at the same time your eliminating jobs.

    Whats the most logical advantage of this technology? to me its intrusion and tracking.

    No improvement is necessary or warranted.

  4. They have always come to the house and read the meter, so now they want to charge for it?

  5. Most of the people forget to realize they already charge you to read your meter to start with! It's built in your monthly bill! The question is: Are they going to credit the savings back to the individual customers allowing their smart meter? I highly doubt that will happen because the executives running the show need more pocket lining!

  6. i do not want a smart meter! they already control out use. at different times during the day & nights, the heat/cooling cannot be raised or lowered.

  7. The city put in new water meters and then told us how they had been set to 10% higher usage meters...

  8. Opt out fee? It used to be called extortion. If Delmarva keeps sending threatening notices about that I will change my provider to Constellation. We still have free enterprise at this point to fight back.


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