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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Poll: Most Americans Think Implementation Of Obamacare A 'Joke'

A majority of Americans not only think the implementation of Obamcare is a "joke," but believe Obamacare will lead to socialized medicine and lower the quality of their healthcare while increasing costs, taxes, and adding to the federal deficit.

According to a new Fox News poll, 57% of Americans feel Obamacare's implementation is "a joke" compared to 31% who think "it's going fine." The poll also found that 63% of voters "think the 2010 health care law needs to be changed and Congress should keep at it," which is up "from 58 percent who felt that way in July 2012. " Only 31% say the law should stay as it is and Congress should "move on" to other issues.

In addition, "65 percent of independents think Congress should keep working on the law, up from 53 percent last year." The poll found even "41 percent of Democrats now feel the law needs more work, up from 35 percent."



  1. Obamacare has nothing to do with healthcare. It has to do with government control. Please wake up people before its too late. Obama and the Democrats need a good a$$ kicking in 2014. When you are so stupid to say that we have to pass a bill to see what's in it, we are in trouble.

  2. you my friends, won't think it's a joke when your expenses go through the roof, your coverage goes through the basement and you no longer have privacy regarding ANYTHING personal or otherwise.

  3. Its funny, CA and MD are both seeing healthcare costs go down to who they were meant for.

    Do some research. Something Fox News doesnt really do.

  4. 12:34....do some research, huh? how about the research YOU could have done by reading the earlier thread on Maryland's health care exchanges and the costs (and BS) associated with it?


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