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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Petition To Defeat The Muslim Brotherhood

Many leaders – From Jay Sekulow to David Cerullo of INSP have stood up and are telling President Obama and all decent Americans – It’s time to take sides in Egypt. Egypt’s Christian community is under assault from jihadist radicals. Churches are burning, including ancient cathedrals. Nuns are captured and paraded through the streets. Christian homes and businesses are attacked.

Christian children are dying. The jihadist Muslim Brotherhood, furious that it has lost power, is taking out its rage on Egyptian Christians. It’s past time for a clear message from the United States.

Petition to Defend Egypt’s Christians; Defeat the Muslim Brotherhood

Dear President Obama: It’s time to take sides – for religious freedom and against the Muslim Brotherhood. Comply with human rights requirements. American aid must be conditioned on the protection of Christians, and it must be used to oppose our jihadist enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood.



  1. where is the petition to defeat the black panthers? we need worry about them too! since they have backing from the president

  2. Yeah and what would the Pres do if a Christian burned down a mosque here inAmerica???? He would get 30 years in prison.

  3. the president has and it is with the brotherhood

  4. They either need to bomb the hell out of Egypt, without setting one foot on the ground... or stay completely away from it. They voted for a guy they knew would flip once elected, yet they used their crap judgement and elected him anyway.

    None of our money, military or resources should go to aid another country again. Unless we want that land.

  5. 4:17--think about this, Egypt was willing to be pushed into a heinous situation because of Obama and the Media hyping this ridiculous notion of 'Arab Spring--Democracy line of crap. It did not take them long to realise they have been taken over by Radical Islamists and to risk their lives to fight back to take their country back--Can you say the same for the USA????? WE FUNDED THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD TAKEOVER OF EGYPT. WE ENCOURAGED IT. To turn our backs on the brave Egyptians who have fought back and is an atrocity. We ignored the brave Iranians when they tried to over throw Ahmadinejad--we should have thrown all of our resources at him--but Obama wants the Muslim Sunnis to win, HE IS ONE. Notice he named his new dog "Sunny". You people better wise up.

  6. August 21, 2013 at 8:44 PM

    Good point about "Sunny."

    Notice that his name is Barack Hussein Obama. If they didn't wise up in 2008 and 2012 what do you think will make them wise up now. The only thing that will change America now is a revolution.


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