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Monday, August 05, 2013

Paul Ryan: GOP Plan Says Illegals Go 'On Probation' Then 'Get a Green Card'

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan said on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives would not take up the immigration bill that was approved by the Senate, but would instead take a "step-by-step approach" in which illegal aliens would go "on probation" before they were eventually allowed to "get a green card."

"So what we're going to do is take a step-by-step approach to get immigration right, not a big massive bill, but separate bills so people know what's in these bills," said Ryan.

"We don't have control of our border," said Ryan. "We don't know who is coming and going in this country. We need real border enforcement and that means we really don't trust the administration with discretion in this area. So we need a border enforcement law, first and foremost, that cannot be voided.


1 comment:

  1. Basically what I understand is they get a green card for free after coming to this country illegal without deportation or a huge charge against them. If I know right it cost about 800 dollars to get a green card for a legal immigrant.


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