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Monday, August 12, 2013

‘Outrageous’: IRS Agent Stuns Members Of Congress With Claim About Targeting Scandal

An unidentified IRS agent told members Congress that the embattled tax agency is still targeting conservative groups three months after the scandal came to light, according to testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.).

During closed-door testimony, the agent reportedly told members of the committee that requests for tax-exempt status by Tea Party groups are still being subjected to “secondary screening,” at least in his office.

When asked what he would do with an application from a Tea Party group even if there was no evidence of political activity, the IRS agent replied: “At this point I would send it to secondary screening, political advocacy.”



  1. Why on earth would they be "stunned"? Maybe because someone on the stand finally said the truth and didn't take the fifth?

  2. Like I've said so many times --- the system is so corrupted and the ruling elite so far above the law that they don't give a rat' ace whether or not what they do is illegal, immoral, or both. And don't care whether or not you know it! They see 50% or more of the American people who can tell you who won American Idol THREE YEARS AGO, or who the Bachelorette picked, but couldn't name a Supreme court Justice (even a dead one). With an electorate so stupid, they could get away with murder. And, of course, they have....


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