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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Obama's Bumbling Handing Egypt Over To Russia

So the great liberal hope, Barack Obama, who was going to bring peace to the world with a smile and an apology, has instead lost us the entire Middle East. That's what it's looking like as the Egyptian military steps up and goes toe to toe with the Muslim Brotherhood's church-burning, human-shield-using mob. The death toll now that the army has begun using bullets is already around a hundred or more, and the military government is considering banning the Muslim Brotherhood.



  1. Obama is 100% correct on this one.

  2. um, the current situation shows we NEVER had control of this region under Bush or Obama. You do realize that there are millions of people over there with thinking minds that have any number of motivations who don't give a darn what the US, or any other foreigner, thinks

  3. Let them take themselves out. Good riddance!

  4. he needs to return his nobel prize


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