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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Obamacare Is A Nuclear Missile That Must Be Shot Down

Instead of the GOP focusing all its energy on infighting over the so-called “tactical” decision of whether to defund Obamacare, how about remembering who the real enemies of freedom are and directing its energies toward the Democrats, who are propping up this monster?

It is painful to witness the expenditure of so much negative energy among people who all say they oppose the law. This law is so bad and so unpopular and its negative consequences so apparent that we would have to be complete incompetents not to be able to make this case to the American people, the majority of whom already agree.

Why not rip a page right out of President Obama’s political playbook and go directly to the people? It obviously works for Obama, even though he doesn’t have the facts or history on his side; there has never been such a radical disconnect between a president’s miserable record and his approval ratings.



  1. Get over it. It's not going away

  2. 12:45-but it is going away in bits and pieces. Who it won't go away for is the low income people who haven't a big lobby behind them like the unions and the big corporations and employers do.
    It is not workable or even do-able. Typical obama-garbage-not well thought out or planned-nothing but a shot from the hip so his grossly ignorant supporters will think he is so smart. In reality he himself is grossly ignorant-the quintessential poster boy for why affirmative action should be abolished.
    Look no further than Detroit. It is his policies that has been running Detroit for generations. No wonder black neighborhoods are in a shambles. Blacks overwhelmingly support obama. What unbelievable low standards they have. Do they not use their brains and think?


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