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Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama Grants Amnesty To Illegal Immigrants Without Congress

Congress hasn’t passed immigration legislation, but that hasn’t stopped President Obama from issuing directives that grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Last week, the Obama Administration issued the latest in a line of policy directives granting amnesty by default. This latest directive instructs Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials not to enforce immigration laws in cases where an illegal alien is the primary provider for any minor child—regardless of the child’s immigration status—or the parent or guardian of a child who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident.



  1. And that's because the Congress Is not in session. The Republicans better come back with an attitude and get this guy under control. He thinks he's above Congress and will continue these kinds of actions until a Republican with balls stands up and challenges him.

  2. And he will continue his destruction of this country because our "representatives" don't have the balls to stop him.


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