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Sunday, August 04, 2013

Obama: Economy Would Be 'Better Off' With More Government Workers

President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the U.S. economy would be “much better off” if federal, state, and local governments hired more workers.

As cities like Chicago face budget crises from unfunded pensions for retiring public workers and cities as large as Detroit have declared bankruptcy, Obama suggested these governments should spend more taxpayer money to improve the national unemployment rate:
If those layoffs had not happened, if public sector employees grew like they did in the past two recessions, the unemployment rate would be 6.5 instead of 7.5. Our economy would be much better off, and the deficit would still be going down because we would be getting more tax revenue.



  1. Does he really believe the things he says?!

  2. This guy is a numbskull. He has no damn clue what he is talking about. I look at all the Presidents I've lived through and Jimmy Carter looks like a saint compared to this idiot.

  3. He must spend his time licking windows.

  4. from a Marxist heart. this is Obama, through and through. yes; prez the unemployment rate May go down, but our taxes would go up. this clueless prez doesn't understand economics for sure.

  5. Clueless Marxist.

  6. Say WHAT? What kind of idiot believes this? It is communist economics at its worst.

  7. You could put his brain on the edge of a razor blade and it would look like a bb rolling down a 3 lane highway. Marxist, Communist, Obama, all fit on the same page.

  8. "President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the U.S. economy would be “much better off” if federal, state, and local governments hired more workers."

    I am absolutely convinced that obama doesn't have one functioning brain cell. Either that or he thinks the American public doesn't have functioning brains.
    Due to falling property values nationwide, governments largest sources of revenue, governments are grasping at straws looking for pennies to pay off dollars. OC with their stupid parking meters for instance.
    The only governments in good shape are those who do some major contracting out. The name of it escapes me now but there's one such city in FL. Population 100,000 and 5 city employees. City services are all contracted out (like county sheriff's dept patrols the city limits) or privatized like private landscaping companies.
    John Stossel mentioned more on a show he did the other night about Detroit-you know the city that obama saved-really the city that was ruined by politics exactly like the ones obama espouses.

  9. Don't under-estimate this horrific President.. he believes in what he says... and that is what is so scary about him.

  10. The exact opposite of this is true, as we all know, but if he can keep on feeding the masses on printed money and hiring ("creating jobs") the useful idiots will rally behind him continually through the next election when His Majesty Hillary will be swooned into office.

    What we need to do is find a way to head this off, and don't look to the GOP for help OR advice!

  11. He wants to collapse our system.

  12. He doesn't think before he speaks....or should I say recite.

  13. What will it take to impeach this communist, Muslim, scumbag, homosexual idiot? Time to stand up and take this country back!! How the HELL did he get elected? I say FRAUD with help of the communist MSM propaganda machine. How much more can this country take before total collapse? Oh, I know some pathetic pansy will say "the NSA is recording my post". Guess what, they are recording everybody, clown. If you don't stand up now, the way I see it, you have two choices: patriot with possibility of death or arrest, slave to the communist/one world order. I have made my choice.

  14. More trash to suck on the taxpayer teat. 9/10 local/state/fed workers are lazy and paid way too much for their ineffectiveness. Not giving them another dime.

  15. Obama said he wants to transform America,to bring it down to third world status and he is on his way,Hillary will finish it.

  16. Say what?? How could anyone who has had "Economics 101" be that stupid?


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