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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Obama Asks Public Schools To Ignore Bad Behavior By Black Students

Barack Obama's "African American Education Initiative" creates a new Federal bureaucracy. One of its goals will be to stop disciplinary action against black public school students who misbehave.

Back in 2007 I had two white female public school teachers tell me why Barack Obama was desperately needed as president. They said that black male students have no male role models. If only Obama was elected, black male students would improve their behavior and academic performance, they claimed.

In many major cities, black academic performance has actually gotten worse since Obama took office. We have also seen the dramatic nationwide rise of black teen mob violence under the Obama administration.



  1. Well Wicomico County Boe won't have to change a thing.

  2. That's why God is the role model for my family.

  3. Public skools be rayciss

  4. Lol. What is a public school?

  5. 10:27 Some around here are way better than the private ones. Most of the privates, you have more drugs to be concerned with.

    Unfortunately, this treatment already prevails in schools around here. Not just limited to black children, however. Anyone who is deemed a "problem" gets the benefit of the doubt, and special treatment, as to not further them into their role.

    I have witnessed some disgusting behavior, and watched as teachers and administrators ignore the child in question, and focus on the ones who did nothing, as to not "single out" the bad one.

  6. It's quite funny just how many teachers, and administrators of WCBOE have their own children in private schools!

  7. WCBOE already practices this. Only kids that get in trouble are white

  8. Another 9:12
    You would not have posted that if it were true. Your judging

  9. Blacks and Hispanics already enjoy a softer grading system on the SAT and ACT, this is no surprise.

  10. Another distraction to take your attention away from the hand behind their back.. Just more racial rabble rousing to start the Martial Law ball rolling.

  11. So funny that teachers and administrators are blamed for the high number of office referrals earned by African Americans. I guess if anyone admitted the kids are to blame that would be politically incorrect. Go into our classrooms and hallways and watch the behavior. See for yourself who's getting away with violence and intimidation.

  12. If Obama really believes that black students should not be held accountable for bad behavior, he would put his two children in DC public schools. Put up or shut up.

  13. Obama is a disgrace to the human race, not just blacks.

  14. Rather then taking responsibility for ones actions offer excuses and allowances. Rather then finding ways to fix a problem just let it happen and blame a so called racist society. The absolute liberal way.

  15. I actually took the time to read the entire executive order rather than the couple of lines that were cherry picked for this article. Paints a slightly different picture.

  16. It has gotten worse because this kind of exec order from the president was expected.

    When he was running, everyone said that he would bay for their food, gas, phone, home....kinda what happened.....

  17. 12:27 I read it also, twice. The whole thing is pretty vague except the new 25 member federal bureaucracy with 2 Obama representatives and stopping "desperate disciplinary measures of African Americans", whatever that means. I sure the liberals will make it mean "if you’re black you can do want you want".

  18. Hey Ronald Tilghman ,
    You got it right , hit the nail on the head.see yah Monday , Wayne

  19. They are pretty much that way now , they threaten all the teaching establishment .
    I say bring back the paddle or maybe a small whip.

  20. I really don't like this article It is very racist. I am Asian and live in the United States and pay taxes. This article acts like Asians doesn't have any type of involvement in how taxes it are paid are moved to Black public schools. I know that Asians makes up 5.8% of the US population.

  21. Yeah they should be allowed to do what they want yo they aint they mom

  22. As it is, everyone's education is compromised as millions of dollars in school resources are spent on kids with no intention of learning or behaving.

  23. 11:12 a.m. is so right! This already happens in our schools, and now it's going to be worse. It all goes back to the parents ... until everyone truly parents their children, it won't improve. Now the children who are constant behavior problems have been given the entitlement to continue or increase their bad behaviors. Lovely. And we pay taxed for this? I don't know why anyone would want to teach any more. Obama is ruining the USA and anyone who doubts that is a fool.

  24. Like i have been saying ....How America is going to last Another 3 Yrs is Beyond me.

  25. Hey now that this is in effect i think obama is races we need him removed from office! why would schools have to treat black students different then anyone else? now this is racism in the work! its not the school or teachers fault that black students are misbehaving and dont have proper punshiment at home. how bout instead of obama having this order in effect he focus on more important stuff taht is going on such as gun violence and murders going around the country. oh yea thats mostly by african americans too so i guess next order is police cant arrest anyone that is african american. This makes me sick i cant wait till obama is out and the next president can change this back. no body should have special rights. thats ok parents when your child gets assaulted in school by a black student go after obama in a law suit cause he is the primary cause of this and that student will not get in trouble at all.

  26. Thats ok im ignoring any laws created by this illegal administration

  27. Parkside High School is the worst for this type of practice. They are afraid to do anything against the black kids that are creating racial tensions and disrupting classrooms. It starts with the poor administration and trickles down...


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