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Thursday, August 08, 2013

Nuclear Sub Heads To The Scrap Yard

The Navy is scrapping a nuclear-powered submarine damaged by fire last year. Officials blamed budget cuts. Rear Adm. Rick Breckengridge says repairing the USS Miami would have forced the Navy to cancel work on dozens of other ships. He says that would have hurt fleet readiness. Repairs would have cost more than $450 million. The Miami had been docked at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Maine and New Hampshire senators criticized the Navy's decision. In a statement, they said the choice would mean a loss to the country's nuclear submarine fleet. The Navy had said the Miami could have served another 10 years. Shipyard worker Casey James Fury is serving 17 years in prison for setting the fire.


  1. All part of the Obama plan to down grade America, the pieces are falling in place, Putin is smiling a little broader and Reagan is grimacing from on high.

  2. LA class boat is obsolete anyways, They oughta retire a few more of them and quit participating in foreign wars and arms races.

    It's all a facade to cover the activities of the military industrial complex....they are bleeding us dry.


  3. Uh....1 Billion sent to Egypt would have handled that with some leftover to save.

  4. Anonymous said...
    LA class boat is obsolete anyways, They oughta retire a few more of them and quit participating in foreign wars and arms races.

    It's all a facade to cover the activities of the military industrial complex....they are bleeding us dry.


    August 8, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    Obviously an Obama voter and Kool Aid drinker!

  5. I was assigned to the USS Redfish.That was the sub "Run Silent Run Deep" was filmed on.The entire crew was kept on the sub during filming because the actors knew nothing about operating a sub.The Redfish was non nuclear.Clark Gable was one heck of a nice guy.Burt Lancaster was not.He was one heck of an actor,but he could not,or would not associate with the crew.


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