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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Maureen Dowd: Clintons Think 'They're Entitled To Everyone's Money'

On the heels of the exposé on waste and abuse of funds endemic in Bill and Hillary Clinton's charity organization, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd writes the former first couple are needy, think too much of themselves, and imagine they are "entitled to everyone's money."

The exposé, published in Times on August 13, revealed the Clinton Foundation has consistently run multi-million dollar deficits and is little else but a money machine to pay off Clinton cronies. It is this article that sparked Dowd's memory of the undercurrent of avarice and arrogance that has always flowed just under the Clintons' shiny exterior.



  1. Well, they certainly NEED my money! Chelsea needs an operation to reduce those big lips, Hillary needs one to reduce those big thighs and Bill needs a brain transplant. All that costs money.

  2. Wow-Even an unashamed liberal like Dowd bashing the Clintons. Anymore any liberal that wants to remain credible and have any appearance of intellect can't cover for them anymore.
    Hilary's the worst. The way she allows herself to be led around by men is stunning. First her philandering cigar wielding husband and then obama. She's nothing but a shell of a woman who allows herself to be a slave to men, doing whatever they order her to do like lie and cover for them. Anyone who thinks she is someone to look up to has some serious self esteem issues.
    It shouldn't come as any surprise that they are spending money they don't have. It's in their low class blood to be that way.

  3. Why of course, they are liberal democrats! They live for deficits and then cry that they need more of your money to help the 'less fortunate' (sic). I do believe in helping those who need it but I see and hear of too much abuse of the system by those perfectly able to work, but why when they can get everything for free off of my tax dollars!

  4. Then you got the imbeciles like Ireton and Mitchell who idolize people like the Clintons running the show down here. Neither of them have a pot to take a leak in and think they should be telling others what to do. No wonder Sby's going from bad to worse on a regular basis.

  5. Dowd??stepping on the clintons...man hell has frozen over ...preppers get ready the big ones coming..brace for shock


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