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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Maryland A Net Loser As Taxpayers Migrate

The Tax Foundation published a new map Monday showing the migration of income between states in the decade 2000-2010, with Maryland losing $5.5 billion in taxable income along with 66,000 residents.

The map has been making the rounds on Facebook, posted by conservative politicians and activists as further proof that Maryland taxes are driving people out of the state. The map is based on tax return data from the Internal Revenue Service, the same data Change Maryland used last year to show Maryland losing residents to states such as Virginia, a story picked up by national media.

On the map, the losing states are shown in purple and pink, and are generally higher tax states. The interactive map of the Tax Foundation website links back to the fuller data on which the map is based.


  1. states that are generally obama voters lost a lot of money. go figure.

  2. I just bought land in Delaware. So chalk up one more. By by M.D.

  3. add Wicomico County's loss of higher income people and the influx of people on government handouts and the low-rent housing in the city - and we're screwed.

  4. More evidence of the DEMOCRATIC DEATH SPIRAL!

    Detroit was just the canary!

  5. If O'Malloy were elected president where would people go?

  6. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 21, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    Hey, but don't let these facts effect Owe Malley brainwashing propaganda. Hang on, Owe Malley just created 11 Government Jobs in Transportation Dept, lets all sing Kumbayah. It must be that middle class democrats like talk about.

  7. 10:32 don't worry about Governor O"Dumbass he will not be elected President ,his opponents will use the State of Maryland against him.

  8. Looking for new home in va.count me in or outta here

  9. O'Malley has no chance at getting nomination. Better candidates ahead of him.


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