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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Maryland Company Vying To Sell Bulletproof Whiteboards At Walmart

Whiteboards, a mainstay in homes, schools and offices, are useful for recording messages. But Pocomoke City-based Hardwire Armor Systems has added a twist—the company claims its product can protect the user from a speeding bullet.

Schools in Maryland, North Dakota and Minnesota and other organizations are already equipped with the whiteboards. According to Hardwire, the Bulletproof Whiteboard, “absorbs multiple magazines of ammunition from any handgun or shotgun without ricochet or injury.” Find a demonstration video here.

The company has a reputation for solving military and defense problems on the battlefield, but a contest through Walmart could make its Hardwire Bulletproof Whiteboard more readily available to the general public.



  1. And now you know why schools cost $100 million these days.

    The risk of a shooter is super small.

    The chance the shooter is going to aim for the whiteboard is even lower.

    If it costs any more than a normal whiteboard, it's a waste of money.

  2. This is amazing! So simple and genius. I would buy one for my home no question. Whats even better... manufactured right here on the Eastern Shore which could provide more quality job opportunities in the area.

  3. Next shooting,,, the question will come up... If only a bulletproof white board

  4. Hardwire said...

    This is amazing! So simple and genius. I would buy one for my home no question. Whats even better... manufactured right here on the Eastern Shore which could provide more quality job opportunities in the area.

    August 13, 2013 at 8:38 PM

    What a phony comment by Hardwire trying to pretend it's a reader. Now I know they are a joke!!

  5. It is worthless without an armed good guy behind it. Teach our teachers CCW.

  6. 10:53 You are incorrect. I am not an employee or associated with Hardwire. Im just enthusiastic about something that could make a positive difference. Grow up.

  7. cheaper then arming every student. However still need someone with the ability to kill the killer! Now a whiteboard that shoots lightning bolts would be awesome!

  8. maybe they ought to be selling them on the streets of Chicago?

  9. The best deterrent is someone willing to shoot the intruder first. Even if each class has these white boards, will there be 25 in each class? One for each child? I'd rather my kids open carry, than rely on a piece of crap, defensive item.

  10. How about you nutjobs stop being so paranoid?

    School shootings are freak incidents, they arent regular incidents.

    You cant protect against everything.

  11. Well, I am safe knowing Wicomico county schools have whiteboards.

  12. Didn't Wonder Woman have a set of bracelets like that.

  13. You might be able to block a head shot but the rest of your body is exposed. A shot to any of the exposed areas and you will drop the whiteboard.

    Might be better than nothing but damn little. Not enough to bet your life on.

  14. Not very big. An automatic spraying will hit a limb or the head.

    Kudos for trying, but sad, that picture of answering the door with one.


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