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Monday, August 12, 2013

Man Outwits Cops During 4th Amendment Test


  1. good for him, I am so sick of hearing this crap that you are violating my rights due to a false flag of safety. EVERY citizen should educate themselves and NOT surrender their rights. It wont stop until WE stop it.

  2. 10:51 spot on. Jack booted thugs wake up. Stop falling for the lies we are Americans who love our country. understand you are one of us.

  3. Yeah. All fun and games until that federal building is bombed or attacked. Then will be spreading blame that not enough was done to protect the building or people. It is not a game. Pacing around in the middle of the night in front of a federal building with a gun and a camera just to prove a point is down right stupid. I'm glad that it did prove that the officers were on the ball and responded quickly to a potential threat. Grow up America.

  4. 844, these hammerheads are the major problem and need to be kept in check. Watch it again. There was no physical threat and no crime committed.

    Get real, read your Constitution, and stfu. No, speak up for your Constitution instead!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah. All fun and games until that federal building is bombed or attacked. Then will be spreading blame that not enough was done to protect the building or people. It is not a game. Pacing around in the middle of the night in front of a federal building with a gun and a camera just to prove a point is down right stupid. I'm glad that it did prove that the officers were on the ball and responded quickly to a potential threat. Grow up America.

    August 12, 2013 at 8:44 PM

    Grow up? Fun and games? Jack, you are one misguided fool. Most people don't live their lives around "ifs". If that were the case everyone would be afraid to come out of their houses.

    What IF a tree limb fell on them. What IF a car ran up onto their front lawn and killed them. What IF a meteor fell out of the sky and landed on them?.


    They had NONE in this instance,and that's why he was free to leave.

    Cops are afraid of every little thing they encounter nowadays. The shoot and kill dogs which are chained up in a mans kitchen no where near them.

    They shoot and kill a year old man in a nursing home who was unarmed and no threat.

    There are literally thousands of instances like these.

    Cops used to be MEN. Now they are WUSSIES. Scared the boogeyman is everyone they meet. And dogs are his sidekick.

    All these cops who cannot differentiate between criminals, possible threats, harmless citizens, etc., should NOT be cops.

    They are not qualified. They need to turn in their guns and go flip burgers or something.

    But that's IF they are qualified to do that.

  6. Wow. the only reason that guy didn't get shot "resisting" or "obstructing" or "interfering" was the cops KNEW they were on about 5 different security camera's. If they had been able to push him into an alley, or behind a wall, they probably would have killed him. You know, "protecting and serving". Of course, it was only two against one -- they were afraid they were outnumbered, too.


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