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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lost Dog 8-17-13

LOST in Hunters Mill area of Salisbury!!!! Puggle named Lenny. Very friendly, but may run if chased because he thinks it's a game. His tags were found in yard but collar likely still on. He does have a microchip; please bring him to any vet office or shelter and let them scan him. PLEASE CALL IF FOUND Sue at 302-519-7526 or Chris at 410-430-7601.


  1. I know women who run when chased because they think it's a game.

  2. Hey Joe, how about a mapping application that we can use anytime a dog goes missing. I think it would be simple and give everyone a graphic map location of where the dog/pet goes missing. Also if the dog/pet is spotted it can be updated and would be useful to show the dog/pets direction of travel. Just a thought.

  3. joe. lenny has been found but unfortunately for my friend it wasn't a happy ending.
    thanks for posting for them :)

  4. He is beautiful. Hope you find him soon.

  5. I think I saw the poor thing on the side of the road just west of Hunters Mill dead about 2pm this afternoon. My prayers go to the family!


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