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Monday, August 05, 2013

LAPD Disrespectful: Warning, Foul Language


  1. That....is a law enforcement officer? You have got to be kidding me. Disgraceful.

  2. wtf don't cops realize they are being taped 24/7?

  3. And this is why Women should NOT be Allowed on the frontline with Soldiers.

  4. While I think the police are out of line frequently. I have some concerns about this video. It shows nothing of what happened when she first pulled them over and got drivers license and ran it etc. Who knows how disrespectful the driver/passenger were then.

    It makes make concerned because the first thing on the video is the driver saying "hey watch this" and they start recording, like they were going to bait the officer into a confrontation.

    Notice the officer was polite and professional until he started back with the "am I being detained". This may have been a sore point from the interaction before she ran the license and before they were filming. She gave them a warning and let them go, so she can't be trying to wrong them too much.

  5. This is the training showing through. The question he asked should have been answered with a "no". She has no right to an answer to her other question, she knows it, and now she needs another Kotex.

    See Bob and Tom, "USPMS" skit. An alarming parallel!

    LOL!, except not.

  6. Bottom line poorly trained - This reflects on the Administration and its poorly qualified promotional system. A well know fact is this : Only 10 percent of any employee in any position actually understands how to perform the job and strives to do it correctly.


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