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Monday, August 05, 2013

Julian Assange Discusses Mainstream Media, The “Wikileaks Party” And Our Global Awakening


  1. If the media would quit covering Assange, Snowden, the Kardasians, Lindsey Lohan, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton they would dry up and blow away and the world would be the better for it. These people are not about their "causes", they are all about themselves and how important they think they are.

  2. TideRunner, don't lump Snowden and Assange in with those others. Snowden and Assange should be commended for exposing what's really going on and not what we think or wish were going on.

  3. @TideRunner, your right about everyone but Snowden and Assange, don't lump the heroes with the zeros.


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