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Thursday, August 08, 2013

It's Not Just The IRS Attacking Conservatives

House Republicans suspect election officials joined with the Internal Revenue Service in a strategy that curbed the effectiveness of conservative organizations in the 2012 election.

The allegations were revealed in a letter from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Report, which has been holding hearings and seeking evidence about the extent of the IRS targeting of conservative and Christian organizations.

Hundreds of self-described “tea party” and “patriot” organizations had applications for tax-exempt status delayed, in some cases for years. They also were subjected to invasive, improper and probably illegal queries into private matters such as the content of their prayers and how they will vote.

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  1. Moderate Republicans are worse than the commie liberals. They are pathetic pansies that don't have the balls to be completely on either side. I have more respect for hard-core communist liberals. At least they are honest about their cause.

  2. 7:03. You are obviously a liberal. When you cant debate the issue you resort to name calling. The article was how an all powerful federal agency under a LIBERAL president has targeted conservative groups.

    Are you okay with that? Seriously? Think about it. You ARe in the Republic of the United States of America.

  3. 7:03
    This country was built on compromise. You know what countries aren't? Zimbabwe, North Korea, Cuba, Iran. Have fun there! Go back to 10th grade history.

  4. Real Americans now know that it is the Gov versus US. Time to take back our country.


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