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Friday, August 30, 2013

Is The End Near For Maryland Republicans?

  • A nasty civil war is raging on the Upper Eastern Shore over replacing one of the GOP’s few bright lights, state Sen. E. J. Pipkin, who opted to pursue a master’s degree in sports management in Texas.
  • The Lower Eastern Shore’s GOP senator, Richard Colburn, is trying to explain to auditors (and the public) why he reimbursed himself from his campaign fund for $4,600 worth of Oriole baseball tickets, $23,000 in meals, $3,900 in lodging, $3,400 in gas and $600 for flowers.
  • An Anne Arundel County delegate got himself arrested yet again for potentially lethal intoxication, this time while driving a weaving car at 70 mph with an expired license. Don Dwyer refuses to take the hint from colleagues to resign. He’s got a serious addiction he needs to address before he’s fit for elective office.


  1. There's been one Republican governor of Maryland in the last 45 years. Pretty sure the end was a while ago.

  2. Time to bail...They're not even trying anymore. Andy Harris, Smiguel, McDermott are all heroically leading people who are clueless in the GOP here.

    I'll hang for the 2014 election, but it's going to be electronically fixes anyway. We don't go to paper back up until 2018.

    I'm not sure I can last that long, considering the following recovery time...

  3. Oh, its jusr Republicans who think the laws they pass are only meant for the serfs and not them?? It's ALL of them. And they don't care what you think. Lying, cheating, and stealing are their MAIN activities. WHY aren't they worried about you knowing this? Because you delusional sheep keep REELECTING them!!! They could break into your house, kill your dog, rape your 6 year old daughter, and you would STILL VOTE FOR THEM! It ain't supposed to be a career.....


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