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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

House At Risk In 2014 Unless GOP Offers Agenda

When asked about their prospects for 2014, most Republicans will say that whatever happens with the Senate, the GOP is a virtual lock to keep control of the House. The House majority is the GOP's single hold on power in Washington, and the only way the party has been able to shape national policy during Barack Obama's presidency.

Republicans haven't worried about losing the House because, first, having won by a landslide in 2010, they got to control the redistricting process, and they have used that power to draw districts that give them an advantage. Second, Barack Obama, having won re-election, is not particularly popular, and his ratings could slip further by November 2014. And third, history teaches that the presidential party just doesn't gain seats in the mid-terms of a president's second term. So, the thinking goes, Obama's Democrats can't win. The House will stay Republican.



  1. And the tag team wrestling match continues..rep dem does not matter they all have green blood on their hands..determined to create. conflict but solve nothing

  2. I don't believe it is wise to count your chickens before they hatch. Anything could happen and there is always a first time. I would hate to see the Republicans to lose their hold, but it could happen.

  3. Getting the house makes no difference as long as you have executive orders coming out daily and a current gop who does nothing to stop it. They all need to go.

  4. Reflublicans, demoncrats, libtarderians... doesn't matter... the entire political world is a huge mess. Reps, govs, mayors, lobbyist, etc etc needs a complete re-do.

    Stealing, cheating, lying, sending your rooster pics, banned from hooters, exposing yourself at mojos... it's all broken.


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