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Monday, August 12, 2013

Holder Proposes Changes In Criminal Justice System

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Eric Holder is calling for major changes to the nation's criminal justice system that would scale back the use of harsh prison sentences for certain drug-related crimes, divert people convicted of low-level offenses to drug treatment and community service programs and expand a prison program to allow for release of some elderly, non-violent offenders.

In remarks prepared for delivery Monday to the American Bar Association in San Francisco, Holder said he is mandating a change to Justice Department policy so that low-level, non-violent drug offenders with no ties to large-scale organizations, gangs or cartels won't be charged with offenses that impose mandatory minimum sentences.

Mandatory minimum prison sentences — a product of the government's war on drugs in the 1980s — limit the discretion of judges to impose shorter prison sentences.



  1. Those of whom he speaks cannot be rehabilitated,and I'm referring to the sellers and users both.Unless someone really wants to clean up their act, only incarceration will work.His actions translate to not nearly enough prison space available and zero intentions to ever build more.

  2. you don't do anything about it now. those POS are living behind me on church st. cops come and go and nothing, NOTHING, ever gets done about it. they turn a blind eye and resolve NOTHING leaving it to the neighborhood to deal with.
    they are like roaches infecting every neighborhood they enter.
    eric holder can kiss my arse.

  3. Thats right Holder lower the penalties so the criminal don't have a reason to not be criminals. Another governmnet offical taking us to a lower level than what we've become.

  4. Holder... Criminal... Liar

  5. Making their own laws again... Screw the congress lawmakers.

  6. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 12, 2013 at 5:41 PM

    Here's the Change proposed by We the people - Holder provides information about Operation Fast & Furious. If he declines he goes to JAIL. Case closed.

  7. This will spill over into crime of every sort,vs just drug related crime.No new prisons are being built and the Justice system is at wits end to know what to do with them all.This action by Holder is proof positive.Shorter sentences will enable more criminals to be incarcerated for less time each.Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen.

  8. Him and his boss deserve to be in jail. For a long time.


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