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Friday, August 02, 2013

Hit-And-Run Driver Now Charged With Assault

OCEAN CITY -- Maryland’s highest court last week ruled restaurants and bars in the state could not be held liable for the actions of their intoxicated patrons once they leave the establishment in a potential landmark decision.

The Maryland Court of Appeals handed down a majority opinion that absent dram shop liability law in Maryland, a Montgomery County tavern could not be held responsible for the actions of an intoxicated patron who consumed around 20 alcoholic beverages in the establishment before leaving in his truck, barreling down a highway at speeds approaching 100 mph and crashing into the rear of a vehicle carrying a family, killing a 10-year-old girl and seriously injuring others.

The victim’s family filed a civil suit against the parent company of the Dogfish Head Ale House in Gaithersburg, alleging the management and staff knew or should have known the driver had been over-served and created a high risk for the public when he was allowed to leave after consuming about 20 drinks. The case was originally filed in Montgomery County Circuit Court and a judge there originally ruled it would go to trial. The judge then reversed his decision, opining the Maryland Court of Appeals would be the proper venue for the weighty case with broad implications.



  1. Somehow she will make it out that shes the victim.

  2. In a lot of states they DO hold the bar responsible.

  3. She said I did it for Trayvon.

  4. The person drinking is (presumably) an adult and capable of making their own decisions, whether good or bad. Only that person decides how much to drink or whether to drive afterwards. If you don't want a nanny state & have the government telling us how to live, then you can't expect a bar to babysit you and tell you how much to drink or not drink and what to do when you leave their property. Take some responsibility for your own actions.

  5. So....A car salesman goes on a test-drive with an absolutely horrible driver, one that does not follow the rules of the rode, etc., etc. That person buys the car and immediately gets into an accident. Should the dealership be sued?

  6. Anyone can stop and have 3 beers at 7 stops, back to back to back. Who is responible? At the 7th stop when he just walked in and ordered his 19th beer, or was it his first? People make their own decisions.

  7. Wait till Michelle Obama hears of this one...you beee in trouble YO

  8. Maybe Sharpton will consider this to another racist assault!


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