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Monday, August 05, 2013

Hispanic Idiot With 10 Kids Insults The Judge


  1. And his race matters because. . .? The video is titled idiot insults judge, whidh is an apt description. What does adding the word hispanic add to this?

  2. This country better wake up.

  3. Ten kids....and only 21 years old! To four different women...and guess who is paying for those ten kids? You and I who are working while these low life idiots (hispanic) are mooching off the government.

  4. I'd love to tell Judy to stfu just once. Such a babbling idiot herself.

  5. Isn't this thing fake and I'm also sure Judge Judy isn't a real judge either. I think the title should be fake idiot judge argues with an idiot. All the things she just did aren't to regulations as far as I know.


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