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Monday, August 12, 2013

GAO Opens Investigation Into Planned Parenthood's Use Of Taxpayer Money

WASHINGTON – The non-partisan Government Accountability Office confirmed Thursday it is launching an investigation into how the country’s largest abortion provider spent millions of taxpayer dollars.

Planned Parenthood received more than a half billion dollars in federal funding last year. The GAO’s investigation is in response to a request made by more than 50 members of Congress in February who asked for a detailed report on how money is being used by Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers across the country.

Specifically, lawmakers want to know what procedures and services they provided and the number of people who were served and how much it cost.



  1. GASP!! You mean .... they actually want some accountability here??

  2. Good, the promise of Roe V. Wade was that NO TAXPAYER MONEY WOULD FUND ABORTIONS.

    If the atrocity of abortion cannot be ended then the DISRESPECT of taxpaying Americans should end.

  3. Not just taxpayers fund PlannedParenthood--Susan B Komen of pink ribbon fame donates millions to them

  4. 9:59 Agreed. 9/10 "charities" are a sham.


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