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Friday, August 30, 2013

Feds Forced Churches To Get Baptism Permits

For as far back as anyone can remember, Missouri Baptists have gathered on river banks for Sunday afternoon baptisms.

The preacher leads the new believers into the water, draped in white robes as a choir sings, “Shall We Gather at the River.”

It’s the way it’s been done for generations – baptizing in creeks, lakes, and rivers “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

But now the long-cherished tradition of “taking the plunge” has been drawn into a controversy with the federal government.



  1. We are witnessing a way of life vanishing.., the American Way of Life. The freedom of life your father and his mother and her father lived. Freedom is little more then an illusion now. For, government, all government from town to county to state to federal, has suffocated the liberty that our Founding Fathers laid down and the freedom that so, so many Americans have died for.

  2. We were born with inalienable rights, and the freedom to practice our religious faiths is one of them. It is not something the government owns to take away.

  3. Some idiot dunking people under water... yeah, nothing can go wrong there.

  4. Did you all think the end times was going to be nice?

  5. To Anon 8:05 - How ignorant of you to believe that getting Baptized is dangerous. People who get Baptized are dunked for a second or 2, not an hour or 2.

    Was also VERY hateful & evil of you to refer to Pastors as idiots.


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