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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

FBI Works To Train Police On Mass Killing Response

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) -- Two men stand anxiously at a classroom entrance and another lies seriously wounded beside a wall outside. "Don't come down here, I'm telling you -- I'll kill 'em," a man inside the classroom shouts to officers snaking down the corridor with guns drawn. A brief attempt at negotiations quickly fizzles as the officers approach the room, yell to the men inside to get down and take out the gunman in a swift firefight.

The drill is part of a training program the FBI is helping run for local law enforcement agencies nationwide. Acting on a White House directive after last December's Connecticut school massacre, and partnering with a Texas-based training center, the FBI this year has been teaching best practices for responding to mass shootings.

"You don't need negotiators, you don't have time for SWAT teams, you need to get in there as fast as possible and stop the killing," said Chris Combs, who runs the FBI's Strategic Information and Operations Center, the headquarters command post for major emergencies, and is involved in running the program.



  1. Now I feel so much safer. Next month will be Asteroid training. How to deal with the big bang. Sep 1st how to respond to UFO,s and little green men.

  2. How about training on the constitution and the peoples rights. Oh that's right that doesn't fit in with agenda .

  3. Oh great, I can just see the Keystone Cops in Salisbury running around like chickens with their heads cut off now. Buy a lot of body bags.

  4. They should get bullet proof white boards just like UMES

  5. Like anyone can any faith in the Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence?

    Misses the WTC bombers even after being told not once but twice by the flight instructor for the terrorists that something strange was up with the group of Middle Eastern men who had no interest in learning how to land a plane.

    THEN were told not once but twice again by Russian officials about the Boston Bomber and his suspected ties to terrorism.

  6. The question is, Are you waking up finally? Are you?

    Because I couldn't tell if you are or not yet, by the lack of action you all are complaining about...

  7. 2:02 classic stand downs by certain elements in power in our government. Info is suppressed that may halt the agenda to play both sides off of each other for trillions in no bid defense contracts,

  8. Arm yourselves people!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Arm yourselves people!

    August 21, 2013 at 8:43 PM

    Good advice IF they are prepared to use said arms.

    If they cannot shoot someone, even a rogue cop, keep the weapon home, or they themselves will wind up dead. By the same rogue cop.

  10. This training is only a way to convert local law enforcement into being on the side of the Muslim White House agenda.


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