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Saturday, August 03, 2013

FBI Can Remotely Turn On Phone Microphones For Spying

In the wake of the NSA domestic spying scandal that broke in early June, TheBlaze got security tips from Gregg Smith, CEO of the mobile encryption company Koolspan, who mentioned cellphone microphones being turned on remotely if they’ve been compromised, allowing hackers to listen in on your calls.



  1. I guess those tin foil hat wearing conspiracy guys like myself were right huh?

  2. Don't be alarmed, but the FBI can turn on ANY phone AND activate your camera whenever they want to. AND, you won't have a clue that it's being done. No warrant necessary, thanks to your previous cheering of the Patriot Act and the NDAA, which most of your elected slugs happily approved (you know- the guy YOU thought was going to "change things"....LOL) If you use ANY electronic device, NO MATTER WHAT the manufacturer or service provider says, you will be recorded. Not just "logged", but RECORDED. Welcome to the Brave New World. Keep cheering.

  3. This is why I kept my old Western Electric telephone.It's like the one Andy used to call Sarah the operator on,who would in turn place his call.It still has the crank.I'd love to see em hack into that one!

  4. This was all written in the communications act of 96. All the technology has backdoor's for surveillance built in. Your cellphone, smartphone, cable box, smart meters......it's all about control.


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