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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Even Hooters Has Standards When It Comes To Serving Mayor Bob Filner

San Diego Hooters restaurants are laying down the law when it comes to their clientele.

The chain is well-known for busty waitresses and a flirtatious business model — in fact, its female employees must agree to this statement when they are hired: “the Hooters concept is based on female sex appeal.” Keeping all of that in mind perhaps makes the following news all the more interesting.

The chain’s franchises in San Diego, Calif., are putting their foots down when it comes to the mayor of San Diego. As a local Republican official tweeted, the mayor — if he attempts to enter the Hooters chains — will be refused service because of his “disrespectful” conduct:



  1. They should make illegal to serve any Dumbocrat

  2. Bob Filner was in a spelling bee in high school.He was eliminated when asked to spell harass.He couldn't understand that it was just one word.

  3. Whats he going to do ? Order two breasts to go with those wings?

  4. That's the right of any business owner, to refuse service at any time to anybody.

  5. Just another notch on the post for christians.

    Don't worry, he'll be forgiven.

    Bahaha, laughable.

  6. Hey 4:19 the atheist...how does this pertain to Christianity you ignorant FOOL???
    Anyways, who does the owners think they are fooling? They are almost as foolish as 4:19-who is probably a Homo.
    They promote young big-breasted naive girls in order for their immoral and greedy butts to make mucho money and then "try" to fool us into thinking they are oh so noble and righteous with this.
    Wha this is - is a bunch of BS!

  7. Hooters has horrible food, and they have severely lowered their hiring standards.

    I prefer to just spend $3 on exlax. Saves me money, with the same results.


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