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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Drone Crashes Into Crowd At Great Bull Run In Va

DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) — A drone grabbing video of Saturday’s historic bull run in Dinwiddie County crashed into the crowd.

It happened at the Virginia Motorsports Park just before the 12 p.m. wave of the Great Bull Run kicked off.
More Including Video


  1. There are rules at every R/C flying club field, and this "drone", or R/C helicopter disobeyed ALL of them. There are reasons for those rules, and this video demonstrates why.

    Whoever was piloting this R/C unit needs to read the book.

  2. Is it a drone or not?

  3. That's similar to the one at the Sby fireworks.

  4. Bull Run = entertainment for the ignorant

  5. This is NOT a drone. It's a quadcopter used for aerial photography. Its not a government plan. get real

  6. obama was controlling it and saw a crowd of white people.


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