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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dr. King's Nightmare: A War On Black America

With the exception of Thomas Jefferson’s words “when in the course of human events” written in the Declaration of Independence and President Lincoln’s words at Gettysburg of “a government of the people, for the people and by the people,” there are no words more powerful in the American experience than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream…” which he so powerfully and eloquently delivered 50 years ago on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Dr. King would be pleased to know that 50 years after his speech the “manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination” have been thoroughly broken.

While the stains of institutional racism have faded into our nation’s past, Dr. King’s dream of economic equality remains unfulfilled for many black Americans who remain mired in poverty.
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  1. mired in poverty because of their "plantation owners"; the democrats and liberals, who know nothing about the way to lift people out of poverty through a solid classical education and learning to think and do for themselves.

    no; instead they have made them an uneducated, dependent class who have no hope of getting out of the mess and hopelessness they're in.

  2. "remain mired in poverty" because they don't want to work. Fast becoming the smallest minority & the latins work much harder for a lot less...

  3. article is full of crap. "black america" has NOT been destroyed; thats just an oversimplified convenient narrative. A huge swath of the black community has taken advantage of gov. programs (just like whites) to pull themselves out of poverty. That includes folks like me that used gov. assistance to obtain higher education and folks like my wife, that became a first time homebuyer through public-private financing partnerships. Throw on top of that that this investment also allowed her to pay to put her daughter through college. Mind you, this is a daughter who has graduated, is working a great job, and preparing to marry a young black man who has a similar success story.

  4. The real problem is that successfull blacks are simply outbred by those blacks mired in "the hood". It's hard building wealth when one is popping out kids as a teenager. Those blacks doing what they are supposed to do are waiting until the later 20's to 30's and might have 2-3 kids. Those that simply wallow in poverty are pushing out 3,4,5+ babies, often starting at an age that precludes them from taking full advantage of the educational and financial opportunities afforded by these programs.

  5. many whites are in poverty also. difference is whitey will get off his butt and get a job. while our darker friends would rather take the easy way out with handout, drugs, crime. ya know cuz we owes em.

  6. No faster way to poverty, black or white, is having a child as a teenager.

  7. lol at 624. Last I checked, there are tons of whites on welfare, tons getting locked up for selling drugs, robbery, and theft. But I guess if you don't consult the facts before forming a narrative, your opinion makes sense.

  8. "Tons" 4:22? What facts do you refer to that measure in weight volume? Sounds to me that you're the one pulling crap out of one's *ss! Maybe YOU should consult the facts. And no, I'm not 6:24. lol!


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