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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Don’t Eat These, Ever

I occasionally comment on various “worst food lists” that appear in magazines and on websites. There is no shortage of bad foods to talk about these days, and we never seem to run out of lists.

But what about the foods Americans don’t often THINK about when inventorying their personal food choices—even though they’re eating them every day, one little dollop after another? I’m referring to condiments.

Condiments are usually given a free ride because, well, it’s only a spoonful. They’re typically overlooked, or brushed off as “harmless,” or eaten in such small quantities that their effects seem negligible.

Condiments can make bland foods taste better and good foods taste great. But they can also turn an otherwise nutritious meal into a metabolic nightmare, one tablespoon at a time.



  1. Ok, I will not put condiments on my genetically mutated chicken that was fed genetically mutated grains.


  2. Okay, YOU don't eat them ever. The drop in demand will cause the price to drop for me to buy more.

  3. Brown rice prevents diabetis.Fact.


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