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Monday, August 05, 2013


On Fox News Sunday, Heritage Foundation President and former South Carolina Republican Senator Jim DeMint said Al Qaeda "may be more of a threat to us than they were before before 9/11" because they perceive President Barack Obama to be a weak president.

While agreeing with the Obama administration's decision to close embassies throughout the Muslim world on Sunday due credible threats, DeMint said America's enemies have been emboldened.

"Our attempt to placate parts of the world... is clearly not working," DeMint said. "The perception of weakness in the administration is encouraging this type of behavior."



  1. No-Not at all-After all Obama said when he was campaigning that Al Qaeda's been disseminated-LOL.

    He's a liar and a lot of people knew it and those who are dishonest and immoral still voted for him including something like 80%+ in the African American communities.
    It's sick the way these people do not value honesty in a person and have such low standards they will vote for a liar just because he is black.
    No wonder their neighborhoods aren't fit for cockroaches and decent people won't step foot in them. It's starts with honesty and when that's not valued everything else goes downhill.

  2. What did you expect? The US is funding them, then pulling out of Embassies to let them pillage.


  3. What else would a Muslim President do. We have needed leadership in this Country for 5 years. It's only going to get worse until Congress figures out that if they don't make a move soon to stop this imposter they won't get re-elected.

  4. Heritage Foundation, former senator (quit before his term was up) BS artist says it all.

  5. 7:07. You can call it bs all you want. Nobama has been campaigning on the premise that al queda is on the run and no longer a threat. Really? Dont be afool.

  6. We are funding al Qaeda with weapons and cash in Libya and Syria. This is all a bad movie script playing out in real life...could only be satan directing.

  7. I used to be disappointed in the black communities for overwhelmingly supporting obama. Now it's to the point where I'm disgusted.
    How could anyone support someone who embraces (JayZ and others) who sell kids trash? (something I've been saying for a long time and finally O'Reilly's on this bandwagon.) Speaks volumes as to the African American mindset and how low their standards really are. It's becoming really really hard to think of them as equals when they marginalize and don't stand up for someone as great as Dr Carson and Col West and hold in high esteem someone so vulgar and ghetto as obama. It is no wonder so many are wallowing in such crime and poverty.

  8. Anonymous said...
    I used to be disappointed in the black communities for overwhelmingly supporting obama. Now it's to the point where I'm disgusted.
    How could anyone support someone who embraces (JayZ and others) who sell kids trash? (something I've been saying for a long time and finally O'Reilly's on this bandwagon.) Speaks volumes as to the African American mindset and how low their standards really are. It's becoming really really hard to think of them as equals when they marginalize and don't stand up for someone as great as Dr Carson and Col West and hold in high esteem someone so vulgar and ghetto as obama. It is no wonder so many are wallowing in such crime and poverty.

    August 5, 2013 at 8:59 PM

    So eloquently spoken!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Heritage Foundation, former senator (quit before his term was up) BS artist says it all.

    August 5, 2013 at 7:06 PM

    Chuck Cook is that again?

    Don't worry it won't be long and your title will be "former O'Malley employee."


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