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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Counter-Terror Experts: Government's Mass Surveillance Program - And Justifications

President Obama said last night that the government doesn't spy on Americans:

A handful of congress critters - who rake in the dough by acting as apologists for the NSA - say that spying is necessary to protect American from terrorists.
And the NSA pretends that its spying program is overseen by Congress and the courts.

They're all full of hot air.
The Government Is Spying on American Citizens On U.S. Soil

The government is spying on just about everything we do. It's not just “metadata” (… although that is much worse than you think.)

The government has adopted a secret interpretation of the Patriot Act which allows it to pretend that “everything” is relevant … so it spies on everyone.

Former NSA head Michael Hayden just confirmed that the government spies on our communications:


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