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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Congressional Black Caucus Wants Sheila Jackson Lee For DHS Secretary

The Congressional Black Caucus has suggested that Barack Obama replace the outgoing Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, with a woman who may be the least qualified person ever to be suggested for a nationally important post: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.
CBC Chairwoman Rep. Marcia Fudge, an Ohio Democrat, wrote Obama on July 25 to suggest Lee’s selection. She said, “Representative Jackson Lee would serve as an effective DHS Secretary because she understands the importance of increasing border security and maintaining homeland security. As Chairwoman, Representative Jackson Lee supported increased airplane cargo inspections and increased security for railroads, issues of great importance to the security of this nation and its citizens.."



  1. Told Ya, This woman is a whack job.

  2. The freed slave? Really?

  3. There is no way in the world anyone would allow this incompetent, ignorant, cowgirl impersonator be DHS chief. If Obama appoints her, God help us white folk.

  4. Anyone who listens to this woman for one minute can tell she is a total incompetent idiot. Examples of her "wisdom"--welfare entitlements are "earned," and famously asking where she could find photos of our flag planted on Mars — have made her a laughingstock.
    She also, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, she is among the top 10 recipients of Arab-Muslim cash and has helped unindicted terrorist co-conspirators raise cash.
    At one annual fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, she presented the terror-tied group with a congressional recognition award — even though the FBI has banned the group from outreach meetings.

    "How proud I am to have been associated with CAIR's legislative work," she said at a 2007 CAIR event. "We need CAIR and we need all of you supporting CAIR."
    That same year, she placed at least one CAIR worker in her office, according to "Muslim Mafia."
    This isn't someone who should be running an agency dedicated to protecting us from Islamic terrorists.
    Then again, she is the perfect fit for Obama stacking important positions with crooks, radical leftists, communists, etc.

  5. More Affirmative Action!
    Just remember - we collectively elected and subsequently re-elected them!

    More conservatives need to wake up and coalesce behind a strong candidate to get rid of this flavour of politics!

  6. Don't single out conservatives. More PEOPLE need to wake up and coalesce behind a strong candidate. Conservatives are not the end all, be all in this country.


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