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Wednesday, August 07, 2013


ObamaCare for thee, little peons, but not for the majestic aristocracy of Congress and their loyal courtiers! His Majesty King Barack I has once again sniffed disdainfully at that dust-covered old scrap of parchment we call “The Constitution,” dispensed with its antiquated “separation of powers” claptrap, and issued a royal decree that Congress shall be immune from the health-care boondoggle that’s killing the American job market.



  1. Satan (Obama) has a strong hold on the nation , people will soon believe he satan.
    He has ruined all the nation and cities. The world even knows it , but our people are just too stupid$$$$$$$$$.

  2. The wheels will very shortly fall off the bus. Just leave it alone, and it will end itself.

  3. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 7, 2013 at 11:38 PM

    No time to sit and wait. Petition to Defund Obamacare has started, 250,000 plus signatures. Put your name down for good cause. Ship is sinking and democ-rats are Jumping Off.

  4. Was there really any surprise in this latiest move? Really?

  5. I contacted Boners office yesterday and told them what scum they are, I informed them that I will not be supporting Dr. Harris if this carv out stays. I suggest calling on this one, this is outrageous. I hope they burn in you know where.

  6. 9:11 And what possible good does it do to not support Andy Harris? Harris has proven by his voting record to be a Constitutional Fiscal Conservative. John Boehner is an elistist RINO D.C. Aristocrat--put your efforts into getting rid of HIM not Harris.

  7. TOLD YOU SO-To whomever argued w/me on here about this awhile back. The person even claimed to read and interpret health care legislation for a living-LOL. The bill was written with language that enabled Congress to exempt themselves very easily even though it said they were to participate in it.


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