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Saturday, August 10, 2013

City To Dock HVAC Contractor After Neglect Of Maintenance

For the second time in recent memory, the city has been forced to do some extra work after one of its major service providers gave the resort the brush-off in anticipation of dropping a contract.

This week, the city approved a $16,950 expenditure to repair the chiller system at the convention center, and will be deducting the cost from its final payment to its previous HVAC maintenance contractor, who was allegedly unable to show the proper documentation that it had done required maintenance on the convention center’s cooling system.

The city issues a single contract for routine maintenance of the heating and air conditioning systems in all city-owned buildings, city Public Works Director Hal Adkins said. Johnson Controls held that contract for many years, but the company did not bid on the its renewal this year, and in July the contract was turned over to Electrical Automation Systems, Inc.



  1. This should not surprise anyone, Ocean City is worse than Walmart when it comes to how they treat suppiers.

  2. Close this white elephant down, and forget about a maintenance contract. Shoved down the taxpayers throat, hugely expensive to operate, and charges taxpayers to attend events. The real story is how much of a loser this facility really is.


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