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Sunday, August 11, 2013


A video posted this week to YouTube shows what appears to be a police officer in Eugene, Ore., striking a 10-year-old boy in the head.

The incident, which reportedly took place on Sunday, was caught on camera by an outraged bystander.

The Eugene Police Department explains that the officer was simply reacting to being bitten on the hand.


  1. Tell the dumb cops to keep their fingers out of people's mouth and they won't get bit. Geesh.

  2. People think they are helping the criminal by recording but, most of the time, it exonerates the police! Thank you for coming to the cops aid!

  3. Disrespecful litlle kid..oh poor little rug rat..probably needs a little more than just a little smack..if i had a mouth like that my mom and dad certainly would not have allowed it..

  4. lmao every cop I know don't want to be recorded! I've seen to many just plain lose it!

  5. I for one am no fan of the Jack booted cops but I don't see he did anything wrong.

  6. Maybe someone should have been smacking this baby thug upside his head 5 years ago. It's a shame that cops have to get involved in the lives of 10 year olds because of the liberal country we live in. Where are the parents in this child's life? Why didn't he get disciplined way before these problems occurred. These parents think their little darlings can do no wrong. It's always someone elses fault.

  7. Thank you police officers for dealing with the dregs of society.

  8. Here's an idea, don't do something that would involve the cops... at 10 years old. Future criminal.

  9. kid should of gotten a smack. He bit somebody.
    Officer didn't smack him hard at all. Just got his attention.

  10. I remember when the cops in Delaware used to bring the drunks and dopers to the Detox Center.They'd be beaten so badly & sometimes bleeding profusely that they really should have been taken to a local hospital.I know that has nothing to do with this story,but non compliance is a bitch.The last thing anyone needs is for a kid to get off on the wrong foot.

  11. How dare the cop slap a boy who bit him, kid will probably be scared for life. Dam liberals.

  12. looks like a family of meth heads - living in a bus? I don't know what this cop gets paid but whatever it is, it's not enough to have to deal with this human garbage. I hope that the kid ends up somewhere where he can be cared for properly.

  13. I would have beat the pi$$ out of that little punk and the weak bystander filming too

  14. such a shame that a cop who already has to deal with an out of control 10 year old is being blamed for trying to control a situation like this, if it were my kid and he got in trouble enough to have to meet the police the cop wouldnt have to worry about it.. he would have been smacked many times already! its crazy people raise kids in this next generation to believe that they can do anything they want and get away with it, then cry OH NO that mean cop just hurt my feelings. get over it and follow the laws provided and you wouldnt have been in police custody in the first place much less smacked for acting like an idiot afterward.

  15. They should have taken the 10 year old away per the court order. Then they should have taken that other mouthy little sh*t, with his constitutional rights, in for terroristic threatening for threatening to blow up buildings. It maybe would have taught him just a little bit of respect--but then again probably not. He has all the answers and at his young age. He'll be in prison by the time he hits 18 and will probably have a good long sentence to contemplate his "constitutional rights." Made me want to slap him just listening to him.

  16. IF the kid bit him, the officer should have knocked his freaking teeth out. A little smack on the head was showing remarkable restraint!

  17. Cop should stop hurting children and do his job right, he had cuffs and a way to lead him by them. no way of getting bit if he did his job CORRECTLY.

  18. 1:55
    Put him in hand cuffs for what reason? The child was not in trouble until he bit the officer. If we would have cuffed him you would have been the first to throw a fit that he was cuffed. How about blaming the child for not respecting the law and his elders.

  19. 1:55 then you'd be complaining that the cop hand cuffed a little boy. There is no winning for the cop. Dam liberals.

  20. 1:55
    So you are worried about the child getting a pop in the mouth for biting the officer but don't seem to be worried about the child living in a bus and not going to school? Why do you feel he should have been hand cuffed?


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