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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Caption This Photo 8-6-13


  1. Pants on the ground, I've got my pants on the ground!

  2. He might as well not wear any pants at all. The shirt covers like a dress.

  3. Someone drop a few firecrackers behind him. We could all get a good laugh watching him try to run.

  4. And the people who dress this way wonder why no one will hire them.

  5. You all have it wrong. Its two midgets stacked to look like one tall person.

  6. He has a long upper torso.

  7. Looks like he ran out of the mens room in a hurry.

  8. Guess he's giving an open invitation to any dude who's interested.

  9. Don't be hatin' on my 17 inch inseam.

  10. What is it, a midget with a long body????? LOL I'm sure he's going to work after shopping with our money......

  11. And 'they' wonder why 'they' are not treated with respect or dignity...and ostracized for 'their' appearances and attitudes.

    Be clear, I am referring to the folks that wear their clothes like this and I have seen it in all races, ages, and areas.

  12. Should be arrested for indecent exposure. I'm so sick of seeing guys with their waist bands around their thighs. They have no respect for themselves or anyone else.

  13. jaquans birth defect of dwaf legs is a result of his mothers crack habbit

  14. If anyone wants a good laugh or possibly a jaw dropper. Google: Fleece "Booty Warrior" Johnson. People that sag, hell everyone will never look at sagging the same again.....guaranteed!

  15. Some girls find that attractive.

  16. This is a Obama voter, and he says I be tha babies daddy but I want you to pay for raising them. Blunts and 40's on Obama.

  17. This is a new species known as "HOMOSLACKASS-ERECTUS". Do not expect a intelligent conversation from this species. All have been noted as to have voted for Obama and recieve food stamps and full government care.

  18. And blacks wonder why they can't find jobs.

  19. In the Salisbury Mall the other day a young black man was wearing a t-shirt commanding women to show him a part of their body. I felt like asking if he knew his mother or if he had a sister or could understand why this was offensive. BUT I realized that if he was wearing it he had no idea and that I would probably be a target for his wrath against women (leaving me to feel frightened of him) and I turned away. Do I find these stunts cute? No I do not! NEWS FLASH it makes me frightened of you. That may be why you see me avoid you. If that is what you are after..than you win. I also carry mace for that very same reason. This is no way to foster open communication. It says you are a non thinking idiot.


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