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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Can Anyone Stop John McCain?

The contrarian might be the most lethal threat to a GOP victory in the budget battles this fall.

Top Republicans woke up Tuesday morning to the news that President Obama was offering what he described as a “grand bargain,” offering lower tax rates in exchange for closing certain loopholes for big business. GOP leaders view Obama’s proposal as a regression from previous negotiations, however, and are working to swat down early press reports that describe it as a significant conciliatory gesture.

“Not a ‘bargain,’ let alone ‘grand,’” read the first GOP press release at 9:24 a.m. from Boehner spokesman Michael Steel. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell followed about an hour later on the Senate floor, ripping the proposal and saying that even offering it was “a serious blow” to chances “for true bipartisan action in Washington.” Throughout the day, congressional Republicans nearly universally panned Obama’s “offer.” Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina laughed mockingly at the notion Obama was offering a “grand bargain,” telling me it was just “the same old repackaged stuff coming out in another campaign speech.”


1 comment:

  1. McCain's courage as a POW continues to merit our respect and praise. His sons have also served, which we laud.

    His career since being freed, not so much. Son and grandson of distinguished admirals, he managed to thwart his career progress and retired without getting a star.

    In the Congress, he's served his vision of himself well; citizens, less so. His surprise selection of Gov. Palin (no disrespect to her) was the highlight of his directionless presidential run.

    Pasture beckons.


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