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Thursday, August 29, 2013

California Man Registers Dog To Vote

America's debate on voting rights typically centers on voter discrimination and ID laws. But on the Central Coast, there's a voting controversy over a dog.

Richard Davis doesn't think dogs should vote, but he used his golden retriever, named Cooper, to expose flaws in Monterey County's election system.

The Pacific Grove man went online and filled out a voter registration form for Cooper. The pooch received a registration card in Davis' mailbox showing that Cooper is now a registered voter in Monterey County. The dog also got a voter ID number.



  1. Let me guess, he didn't have to show an I.D.?

  2. I have no problem with this.He just needs a human to accompany him into the voting booth.But don't EVER let cats vote.They lack political discretion.Kinda like men vs women.

  3. Let me guess DEMOCRAT.

  4. I'm sure that's a liberal..........

  5. he certainly made his point; sadly the dems and liberals won't do anything about it. of course, this is because this is the way they want it...

  6. America has certainly gone to the DOGS!!


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