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Monday, August 12, 2013

CAIR Tries To Ban Professor’s Speech On ‘The Islamic Threat to America’

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) continues its epic struggle to understand the First Amendment.

In the latest incident, the Muslim civil liberties group has asked government officials in Brevard County, Florida to deny the use of a county-owned meeting room to a group CAIR has tagged as “an anti-Muslim hate group,” reports the Orlando Sentinel.

The group CAIR opposes is the local chapter of ACT! for America, an organization that stands particularly athwart the threat posed by radical Islam.



  1. Allow? PROMOTE! this man. Public use is public use. Islamic Jihad asses can put on their show next week, as long as they can afford the room rent. Most of us will not be there, though.

  2. muslims don't believe in "freedom of speech". THAT will get you killed in the country they left (that has Sharia Law).


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