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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Brown Wins Backing Of Veterans Group In Maryland Gubernatorial Race

Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D) picked up an endorsement of his 2014 gubernatorial bid Wednesday from a national veterans organization.

The backing of VoteVets.org served to highlight Brown’s military service — part of his rsumthat his campaign routinely touts — and could help with fundraising efforts. The group, which claims 360,000 members nationwide, seeks to elect veterans to public office, particularly those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Brown is an Army Reservist who was deployed to Iraq in 2004 while a member of the House of Delegates representing Prince George’s County. His military career began while a a student at Harvard University when he enrolled in the Reserve Officers Training Corps. 



  1. Its obamas BROTHER......Scary.

  2. This man is simply BAD NEWS! I'm a veteran and I wouldn't support this a$$ for any amount of money!!! NONE!! LibTARD!

  3. From what I have already seen - his service is not going to overcome the (D)..... As we have been seeing a lot more lately - there are liberal soldiers.....

  4. WHAT? After what the government has (errrrrr, HAS NOT) done for veterans?

    I'll blame PTSD... everyone else seems to use that crutch.

  5. 1223
    dont blame PTSD the libs will take your guns.
    I'm a DAV and i wouldn't vote for him.
    How did they come to that decision anyway?

  6. Who is the dude with the man boobs?


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