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Monday, August 12, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Calif. Gov. Brown Signs Transgender-Student Bil

Gov. Jerry Brown signs bill making California the first state to allow transgender students to pick the restrooms they want to use, and the sports teams they want to play on, based on their gender identity.



  1. Ok then. I"ll just piss outside.

  2. Wow we are so screwed as a nation we have lost our moral compass and are sinking into hell ..the devil has plenty of workers trying to drag us all down

  3. Don't wanna go to Cali.

  4. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 12, 2013 at 10:29 PM

    Welcome to Olympic Games, we have men and women categories, so dear Trannie, which one you like to compete in?

  5. I think the rest of the world should have us ousted from the Olympics until we get our sh*t right as a country. Genetic testing should be performed and whatever it says you are then that's your sex!!! If you believe otherwise then you should use your new Obamacare insurance to get therapy.

  6. THAT is California's most pressing issue, one that required countless hours of work and debate? Forget billions of state debt, paying vendors with IOU's, entitlement spending sinking the state, immigration costs destroying the economy, etc. Its little boys and girls not sure of who they are, THAT'S the biggest thing there, huh? Earth to Brown --- FOCUS, baby, FOCUS.

  7. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 13, 2013 at 10:00 PM

    Well, I giess Jeery Brown just caved in to all those Lady Mr. Gaga Rainbow Coalition Bog Momey Donors from Hollywood? Typical Democ-rat, will sell his own grandmother if he could.

  8. Sad truth is this a man or a woman can butcher their body in a medical procedure, but their inner organs are still of that of a man or a woman.

    Imagine your normal son or normal daughter falling in love with something he thought was a normal man or woman only to find out that it was a person who was falsely impersonating that gender by virtue of butchering their body.


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