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Sunday, August 18, 2013


First Dog Bo takes a well-deserved vacation

Americans can go to bed with a story to warm the cockles of their hearts tonight. First Dog Bo has been successfully transported to join the First Family on their well-deserved vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.

Bo was transported from Washington to the island on board a specially modified Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey. For security reasons similar to those of Vice President Joe Biden, President Obama and First Dog Bo cannot travel on the same aircraft, thus making a separate flight necessary.

While some might consider using a $69.3 million aircraft to transport a dog a bit extravagant, it must be pointed out that this was paid for with taxpayer money, not from the First Family’s accounts. Neither President nor Mrs. Obama are spendthrifts and are very careful with the family’s budget.



  1. The marines should have tossed that ugly mutt out of the cargo door at 31000 feet

  2. Again I wish to point out that under the Muslim religion it is forbidden for dogs to travel in the same vehicle as their owners. Bottom line is that Obama is a Muslim, period.

  3. more BS from the first family of spendthrifts. its easy if you spend someone elses money. thanks sjd

  4. 1:05 They should have done that with the dogs on the first plane.

  5. I'm certainly not an Obama supporter but this is stupid. The dog was transported as cargo in the same Osprey that transported all of the other luggage/cargo for the trip. This stupid propaganda is what is destroying American politics.

  6. Which one the dog or the President?

  7. Hey, please don't blame the dog. The dog is great. They forgot him.

  8. Dogs are smart. He did not want to be on the same plane. I would like my tax dollars go to him then that family. Maybe he will p#ss on them when he gets there. We can only hope.map

  9. Whole family of dogs.

  10. I put my dog in kennels at $20 a day when on vacation. Bo probably would have had a better time with real dogs instead of the ones he lives with.

  11. 1:46 The Obamas did not forget BO like horses and other animals cannot travel with Muslims.

  12. 1:32 Question. Does your dog have a personal vet with a salary of 115 thousand bucks a year. And you call it stupid propaganda. Get real, idiot.

  13. "For security reasons similar to those of Vice President Joe Biden, President Obama and First Dog Bo cannot travel on the same aircraft, thus making a separate flight necessary."

    Are you kidding me right now. What kind of sense does it make to even state that. Likening the separation of the president and first dog, to the president and vice president? WTF?

    I have seen it all, in the world of journalism.

  14. How come we never see the Obama's or the girls playing with their dog?

  15. Its all a public relations issue. They don't give a flying crap about the dog. 1:13 was on the money with their comment. When Americans finally come to their senses and realize that this Muslim's goal is to destroy our Country it may be to late.

  16. What a load of bull.

    Air Force 1 is a 747 with special fittings. The idea that it could not hold all of their luggage is preposterous. All kinds of animals ride as cargo on commercial airliners, and some ride as passengers.

    Good old Bo could have been on AF-1 in a pet carrier, or not, as they saw fit....if they'd wanted him along.

    One can only conclude that he's mainly a prop. Same way the golfer-in-chief took up the game upon his elevation.

    Next up is probably creation of an Eddie Haskell clone to drop by and say "You look very nice today"

    Anything to lend an appearance of normalcy. Sheesh. Poor Bo; bet he's at the Humane Society on Jan 21, 2017.

  17. we go on vacation, We just turn our dogs lose on the neighbor hood. We let others feed our dogs. We save a lot of money this way. Heck the dogs don't know any better. Their just as happy to see us when we come back.


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