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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bill Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50M On Travel Expenses

WASHINGTON – Bill Clinton’s foundation has spent more than $50 million on travel expenses since 2003, an analysis of the non-profit’s tax forms reveal.

The web of foundations run by the former president spent an eye-opening $12.1 million on travel in 2011 alone, according to an internal audit conducted by foundation accountants. That’s enough to by 12,000 air tickets costing $1,000 each, or 33 air tickets each day of the year.

That overall figure includes travel costs for the William J. Clinton Foundation (to which Hillary and Chelsea are now attached) of $4.2 million on travel in 2011, the most recent year where figures are available.



  1. More scamming from the former head scammer and family.

  2. The Clinton's are criminals, PERIOD!
    Not just because of this but because of many other things they have done or acquired illegally. If anyone votes for Hillary when she runs for President, they are saying it is OK to be a criminal.

  3. Why are they not in PRISON.


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